- Certified Quality Director
- Certified International Professional Negotiator
- Certified International Finance Professional
- 6-SIGMA Certification
- Certified Business Administrator
- Certified International Customer Service Professional
- Certified International Project Management Professional (CIPMP)
- Certified International Sales Manager (C.I.S.M.)
- Certified Shipping and Freight Forwarding Professional (CSFFP)
- Certified Operational Business Finance (COBF)

Certified Quality Director
Certified Quality Director
Certified Quality Director
Economy globalization means competition globalization, which makes us position development by a global perspective. To build an elite class of Quality Directors for corporations is an innovative approach to integrate all related resources and build corporate quality competitiveness. CQD, which stands for Certified Quality Director has an objective of nurturing Quality Directors to help companies gain quality competitiveness.
Objectives of the Program
1. To perform your specialty competitiveness and improve your professional reputation as well as form a solid foundation for future career;
2. To build–up self-confidence as well as personal occupation competitiveness through mastering the professional quality management and advanced conception and skills;
3. After study, people can conduct effective management during the quality improvement process, which will enable students to devote more contribution to their corporation and organization.
Who are Interested in
Deputy general manager in charge of quality management, the representatives of executives, deputy chief engineer, quality director, general quality master, quality manager/ director;
All people who are wishing to become experts in quality management.
A way of quality management means to understand and build quality from a strategic perspective, which is the only way of building a successful company,and also an important instrument of forming corporate competitive advantages. Based on this, experts from quality field of various industries developed CQDBOK(The Body of Knowledge of a capable quality director).
Module1: Management And Environment – Find Competitive Edge In A Vibrant Environment
Challenges in new management: knowledge economy, creativity economy and global challenges
Management theories and history
Global challenges: environment, CSR and business ethics, stakeholder analysis
Module2: Quality Leadership – Leading Changes And Innovative Practices
Organizational leadership: organization methods, organizational culture and contingency leadership
Organizational behavior: negotiation skills, pressure management and change management
Team collaboration: types of teams, team motivation, team development and team performance
Module3: Planning And Implementation Of Quality Strategy – Directing Quality Improvement
Competitive environment analysis: PEST, SWOT, 5Forces, Shell Matrix
Strategic planning and evaluation: Strategic situational analysis and BSC
Strategic implementation: BCS Matrix, resources allocation, Benchmarking
Module4: Customer-Focused Organization And Cultural Changes – Building Of Organizational Behavior
Definition of business and operation: strategic marketing concept from 4P to 4C
Customer understanding and market segmentation: approaches for segmentation, targeting
Customers behavior: determinants of customer behavior, decision making process and organizational buying behavior
Customer relationship management: CRM, customer satisfaction index, customer loyalty management
Module5: Approaches And Tools In Management – Sharp Judgment And Application
Managerial communications: information system, communications skills, knowledge management
Staff motivation: needs analysis, motivation skills, job arrangement, HR development
Quality tools: problem solving tools, process management approaches, measurement and evaluation
Quality models: Malcolm Baldridge Awards, ISO9000 series, main industrial criteria and international criteria
Module6: Supplier Performance Management – Integrating Value Chain, And Building Competitive Edges
Selection of suppliers: suppliers in a total supply chain
Supplier management: VOC, QFD, FMEA, SPC
Supplier auditing: SQA skills (Supplier Quality Auditing)
Module7: Training And Capability Development – Enhancing Organizational And Personal Competitive Edges
Training planning: needs analysis, training materials preparation, course development
Methods and approaches of training: lecturing, experiential training, case studies, ROTI training results analysis
Planning and development of personal career: model of personal career development